Sunday, June 28, 2009

A beautiful evening

June 18, 2009
It's a beautiful evening with dark clouds all around. I wish I were in India or I had my friends shipped to Japan. Life has become a bag full of boredom. I want to get over this GMAT ghost. The last week's test was pretty encouraging but yesterday's test almost made me cry. It's been over an year, not dedicately though, with GMAT hovering over my head. I do understand that such tests are made to bring the best out of the prospective candidates. But is it worth of a sacrifice missing all the simple pleasures of life just for the sake of future, I am optimistic that it would be worthy of it.
May God strengthen all the GMAT aspirants!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Continuing from my last post, yes both Phil and I passed the test, he score 3 percent higher though. On a different note, I had read this thing somewhere that Chinese have the same Kanji (word representation) for 'Crisis' and 'Opportunity'. So, I asked my Sensei (Japanese teacher) about that and she drew both the Kanjis for me. Both of these Kanjis are remarkably similar except for the fact that order of the representation is different. So I am convinced that its only the order (or perception) that turns a Crisis in an Opportunity and vice versa. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I would have been a factory worker

Phil and I are in the same group in our Japanese class. Phil is a Canadian and an English teacher by profession. We have lot of fun during our class. Today during the break, I told him that I am working on my English these days. He said very funnily that his strengths are: being a native English speaker and having a charming personality; and that if he would not have born in Canada, he would have been a factory worker in some other country. Some expressions are so idyllic that makes you laugh. 

JLPT result is about to come and I hope that both of us will pass it.